
Showing posts from March, 2019

pulmonary hypertension causes

pulmonary hypertension causes Particular Histological Pattern Linked to Severe Pulmonary Hypertension in COPD - Pulmonology Advisor Widening the Definition and Use of Palliative Care in PAH - Pulmonology Advisor Transition from PDE5i to Adempas Without Washout is Viable for PH - Pulmonary Hypertension News Patient credits Greeley pulmonary hypertension program with saving his life - Greeley Tribune Particular Histological Pattern Linked to Severe Pulmonary Hypertension in COPD - Pulmonology Advisor Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:00 AM PDT Compared with individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with moderate pulmonary hypertension (PH) or without PH, those with acute PH-COPD have lower capillary density and significantly greater pulmonary microvessel muscularization, according to a study recently published in CHEST. This study included 30 participants with COPD who underwent lung transplant, 10 of wh...

pulmonary hypertension symptoms

pulmonary hypertension symptoms Widening the Definition and Use of Palliative Care in PAH - Pulmonology Advisor Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT While the prognosis for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has improved since the introduction of PAH-specific therapies, mortality and morbidity associated with the disease remain high. The 7-year survival rate for PAH is 50%, according to findings from a 2012 study of 2635 individuals, and many patients have numerous intolerable symptoms despite treatment. 1,2 In addition to physical limitations due to symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, mental health disorders commonly affect patients with PAH. According to one study, there was a 35% prevalence of psychological disorders in patients with PAH, and other studies have shown elevated rates of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks in this population. 2,3 The caregivers of these patients are also vulnerable to stress...

pulmonary hypertension diagnosis

pulmonary hypertension diagnosis Patient credits Greeley pulmonary hypertension program with saving his life - Greeley Tribune Posted: 16 Mar 2019 12:00 AM PDT About two years ago, John Kamprath was planning for something very different from the spring break vacation he planned this year. The now-58-year-old Estes Park resident had been diagnosed with high blood pressure of the lungs, something known as "pulmonary hypertension." The online literature Kamprath had read said pulmonary hypertension patients faced an average of two years before the complications become fatal. With two girls to take care of, Kamprath sat down with his wife at the time to confront what seemed like a very real possibility: in two years, it would just be her and the girls. "Are you guys going to be okay when I pass away?" Kamprath remembers thinking. "Where are we finances-wise? Let's make sure we don't drain funds. My life in...

pulmonary artery hypertension

pulmonary artery hypertension Widening the Definition and Use of Palliative Care in PAH - Pulmonology Advisor Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Market Professional Inspection Report 2018-2026 - Business Herald Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty Improves Hemodynamics in Inoperable CTEPH - Pulmonology Advisor Widening the Definition and Use of Palliative Care in PAH - Pulmonology Advisor Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT While the prognosis for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has improved since the introduction of PAH-specific therapies, mortality and morbidity associated with the disease remain high. The 7-year survival rate for PAH is 50%, according to findings from a 2012 study of 2635 individuals, and many patients have numerous intolerable symptoms despite treatment. 1,2 In addition to physical limitations due to symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, mental health disorders commonly a...

pulmonary hypertension treatment

pulmonary hypertension treatment SAPH Patients May Benefit from PH-specific Therapy, Study Suggests - Pulmonary Hypertension News Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:30 AM PDT Patients with sarcoidosis -associated pulmonary hypertension (SAPH) can improve their levels of a key biomarker after receiving specific treatment for PH, which suggests that PH-specific treatment may benefit this patient population, according to a real-world study. The study, " Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients with Sarcoidosis-associated Pulmonary Hypertension ," was published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports . Although reports have shown a high frequency of PH in people with sarcoidosis , no specific PH therapies are available for these patients. Thorough understanding how PH affects blood flow and heart function in people with SAPH is limited, particularly in real-world practice. Therefore, a team at Duke Universit...