
Showing posts with the label severe pulmonary hypertension

New ELISA blood test from Gemelli Biotech offers important insights to patients with Scleroderma and Systemic Sclerosis - BioSpace

New ELISA blood test from Gemelli Biotech offers important insights to patients with Scleroderma and Systemic Sclerosis    BioSpace Published: Jan 09, 2019. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The new blood test, sclero-smart™, measures levels of anti-vinculin, recently found to be ...

10 medical tech innovations to ring in the New Year - MD Linx

10 medical tech innovations to ring in the New Year    MD Linx Ten medical technology innovations and nominees for the 2018 Prix Galien Award.

Use natural ways - Zambia Daily Mail

Use natural ways    Zambia Daily Mail ZAMBIAN men should heed the timely and life-saving warning by the Zambia Medical Association of Zambia (ZMA) that those in the habit of using sex-boosting ...

Societies Publish Appropriate Use Criteria for Multimodality Imaging in Nonvalvular Heart Disease - The Cardiology Advisor

Societies Publish Appropriate Use Criteria for Multimodality Imaging in Nonvalvular Heart Disease    The Cardiology Advisor Updated appropriate use criteria addresses the use of multimodality imaging for evaluation of cardiac structure and function in nonvalvular heart disease.

New ELISA blood test from Gemelli Biotech offers important insights to patients with Scleroderma and Systemic Sclerosis - PRNewswire

New ELISA blood test from Gemelli Biotech offers important insights to patients with Scleroderma and Systemic Sclerosis    PRNewswire LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The new blood test, sclero-smart™, measures levels of anti-vinculin, recently found to be elevated in patients with ...

Pirfenidone Improves Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Survival - Medscape

Pirfenidone Improves Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Survival    Medscape Pirfenidone increased 3-year survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, resulting in a 30% survival benefit compared with those not treated with ...

Uptravi for PAH to receive NHS England funding 9 January 2019 - Zenopa

Uptravi for PAH to receive NHS England funding 9 January 2019    Zenopa Treatment for the rare and incurable disease pulmonary arterial hypertension, which affects approximately 3,000 people in the UK, has been available in all of ...

EMA Handed Down Fewer Positive Drug Opinions in 2018 - Medscape

EMA Handed Down Fewer Positive Drug Opinions in 2018    Medscape The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use granted 84 positive opinions for new medicines in 2018, including 42 agents with a new active substance ...

NICE 2018 Guideline on diagnosis of COPD - Specialty Medical Dialogues

NICE 2018 Guideline on diagnosis of COPD    Specialty Medical Dialogues NICE has released its updated 2018 guidelines on diagnosis of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s.COPD is a common, preventable and ...

FDA Approves Sprycel for Pediatric ALL -

FDA Approves Sprycel for Pediatric ALL The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Sprycel (dasatinib) plus chemotherapy for the treatment of pediatric patients with newly diagnosed ...

Breast-Conserving Surgery Can Improve Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors -

Breast-Conserving Surgery Can Improve Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors For young breast cancer survivors, the type of surgery they recieve to treat their disease can impact their quality of life, according to recent research.

NHS England to fund Actelion's Uptravi - PharmaTimes

NHS England to fund Actelion's Uptravi    PharmaTimes Actelion has announced that NHS patients in England, who have the rare, incurable and devastating disease pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) can now be ...

NICE 2018 Guideline on diagnosis of COPD - Specialty Medical Dialogues

NICE 2018 Guideline on diagnosis of COPD    Specialty Medical Dialogues NICE has released its updated 2018 guidelines on diagnosis of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s.COPD is a common, preventable and ...

Societies Publish Appropriate Use Criteria for Multimodality Imaging in Nonvalvular Heart Disease - The Cardiology Advisor

Societies Publish Appropriate Use Criteria for Multimodality Imaging in Nonvalvular Heart Disease    The Cardiology Advisor Updated appropriate use criteria addresses the use of multimodality imaging for evaluation of cardiac structure and function in nonvalvular heart disease.

Taking a look back at Siouxland news headlines in 2018 - KTIV

Taking a look back at Siouxland news headlines in 2018    KTIV (KTIV) — KTIV News 4 was there every step of the way for an eventful year in Siouxland. January 2018 did not start quietly. A blizzard struck Iowa, South Dakota, ...

Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Business Wire

Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia    Business Wire Sprycel is the first and only second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor for pediatric patients for the treatment of newly diagnosed Philadelphia ...

Sprycel Approved in Combination with Chemo in Certain Pediatric Patients with PH+ ALL - PharmaLive

Sprycel Approved in Combination with Chemo in Certain Pediatric Patients with PH+ ALL    PharmaLive Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia ...

Father died when he was given a double lung transplant 'from infected donor' - Daily Mail

Father died when he was given a double lung transplant 'from infected donor'    Daily Mail A father-of-two died after he was given a double lung transplant from a donor 'whose organs were infected with bacteria and pneumonia', his widow claims.

Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Business Wire

Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia    Business Wire Sprycel is the first and only second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor for pediatric patients for the treatment of newly diagnosed Philadelphia ...

Sprycel Approved in Combination with Chemo in Certain Pediatric Patients with PH+ ALL - PharmaLive

Sprycel Approved in Combination with Chemo in Certain Pediatric Patients with PH+ ALL    PharmaLive Bristol-Myers Squibb's Sprycel® (dasatinib) Tablets Now Approved in Combination with Chemotherapy in Certain Pediatric Patients with Philadelphia ...