Help! My Cat Has Asthma - The Dodo
You never want to see your cat sick, so if you notice she's coughing or wheezing (or just having trouble breathing in general), of course you're going to be alarmed! As it turns out, just like in humans, cats can have have asthma — which means a trip to the vet is in order so she can get treated and feeling like her usual, healthy self. For more insight on asthma in cats, how it occurs and what you can do to help ease your cat's discomfort, we reached out to Ashley Callihan, CVT, licensed veterinary nurse with DodoVet. How cat asthma occurs Feline asthma is an acute or chronic inflammation of the airways and happens when a cat inhales allergens that stimulate the immune system. "Along with environmental allergens, like pollen and dust, asthma can be triggered by aerosols, including perfume, hair spray and air fresheners," Callihan told The Dodo. "Essential oils, incense and even cigarette smoke [affect] our cats as well." Unlike upper respiratory conditi...