
Showing posts from December, 2022

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is incurable but animal model study suggests an experimental drug may be effective - Medical Xpress

+/- mice. a: SM22-Cre mice were bred with Tsc2 flox/flox mice to generate SM22-Tsc +/- mice. b: Immunohistochemical analysis of lung tissue sections of SM22-Tsc2 +/- mice to detect TSC2 (red), smooth muscle α-actin (SMA) (green), and DAPI (blue). Representative images from n=5 WT and 7 SM22-Tsc2 +/- mice and 5 PAs/mouse. Scale bar, 30μm. Credit: Science Signaling (2022). DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.abn2743"> TCS2 protein reduction in SMA-positive areas in small PAs from SM22-Tsc +/- mice. a: SM22-Cre mice were bred with Tsc2 flox/flox mice to generate SM22-Tsc +/- mice. b: Immunohistochemical analysis of lung tissue sections of SM22-Tsc2 +/- mice to detect TSC2 (red), smooth muscle α-actin (SMA) (green), and DAPI (blue). Representative images from n=5 WT and 7 SM22-Tsc2 +/- mice and 5 PAs/mouse. Scale bar, 30μm. Credit: Science Signaling (2022). DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.abn2743 An ex...

The 5 Best Supplements To Lower High Blood Sugar Naturally - Deccan Herald

It is a pity that the word "lifestyle" is typically only associated with things like "disorders" or "bad choices." Many people nowadays suffer from various lifestyle problems, such as hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. These illnesses not only cause chaos in the body, but they also make a person's life complicated and stressful. 5 Best Supplements To Lower High Blood Sugar Naturally GlucoRedi - World's best Blood Sugar Optimizer GlucoTrust Beliv Blood Sugar Optimizer Before going to discuss the products, let's talk about the natural ingredients and how each ingredient works in lowering the blood sugar levels naturally. Natural Ingredients For High Blood Sugar: We all need easy solutions to complex problems like high blood sugar in the fast-paced modern life. Some of the most effective ways to control high blood sugar levels naturally are by using these herbs and plant extracts- Gymnema Sylvestre Berberis aristate...

Researchers find missing piece of the asthma puzzle: New study ... - Science Daily

An inflammatory molecule called LIGHT, appears to be the cause of life-threatening airway damage in patients with severe asthma. According to the new research from scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI), therapeutics to stop LIGHT (which is related to tumor necrosis factor) could reverse airway and lung damage in patients -- and potentially offer a long-term treatment for asthma. "This is a very, very significant finding," says LJI Professor Michael Croft, Ph.D., senior author of the new study and member of the LJI Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation. "This research gives us a better understanding of the potential of therapeutic targeting of LIGHT and what we might do to relieve some of the symptoms and some of the inflammatory features seen in patients who have severe asthma." This research was published recently in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . The study included experiments with both mouse and human tissues and was spear...

Food allergy and Common Food Allergen among Saudi Adults | JAA - Dove Medical Press

1 Haematology and Immunology Department, College of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 2 Medical Laboratory Technology Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Taibah University, AL-Madinah Almunoarah, Saudi Arabia Correspondence: Amna A Alotiby, Haematology and Immunology Department, College of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia, Makkah, Email [email protected] Introduction: The prevalence of food allergy (FA) in the Makkah region has received little attention, so we conducted this study to estimate the prevalence of FA in adults. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional, survey-based study was conducted online among 531 participants with or without a prior diagnosis of FA. The collected data related to socio-demographics (age and gender), whether the participant had been medically diagnosed with any food allergens, and assessing the prevalence of different food allergens. Results: Only 93 (17.5%) of the 531 people screened positi...

Your Blood Type Could Indicate Your Heart Attack Risk, and Here's Why - Yahoo Life

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and research shows people with specific blood types are at higher risk of heart attack and heart failure—in certain cases, up to 51% more likely to experience serious health conditions. Blood types A, B, and AB have an 8% higher chance of heart attack, 10% increased risk of heart failure, 51% increased chance of deep vein thrombosis, and 47% more likely to develop a pulmonary embolism. But why is this the case? Dr. Douglas Guggenheim , a hematologist with Penn Medicine, believes this increased risk can be explained by the proteins in blood types A, B, or AB, which cause inflammation and more blockages/thickening in veins and arteries.  Meanwhile, people with blood type O have a lower risk of blood clots but a higher risk of bleeding disorders. "Determining someone's blood group is relatively easy, low in cost and widely used," says Hilde Groot, MD . "General practitioners might use this information in th...

High Blood Pressure Without Medication Reduce Diastolic Blood ... - Moviebill

[unable to retrieve full-text content] High Blood Pressure Without Medication Reduce Diastolic Blood ...    Moviebill

World Lung Day 2022: Most common diseases and how to prevent them - The Economic Times

Every year, World Lung Day is celebrated on September 25 to advocate lung health and spread awareness. Lung disease is any problem that arises in the lungs and prevents it from working properly. Lung disease is divided into three main types - airway diseases, lung tissue diseases and lung circulation diseases. The lungs, just like any other part of your body, age with time and that's why they need extra attention and care. People don't understand the importance of healthy lungs until they experience a breathing problem. After the Covid-19 pandemic took over the world, millions across the globe showed signs of weak lungs and reported breathing issues. In 2022, it's crucial that we look after the health of our lungs and take precaution against harmful diseases that can make our breathing difficult. After all, the lungs are a crucial part of the respiratory system as they carry oxygen from the air and pump it through the body's airways and air sacs. The oxygen is then ...

Thick, Sticky Mucus: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Verywell Health

Thick, sticky mucus or phlegm , also known as catarrh , is a symptom that often results from infection in the nasal passages, sinuses, lower airways, or lungs. It may be associated with a wide range of conditions (not limited to infection), including the common cold, asthma , sinusitis , pneumonia , and cystic fibrosis . Commonly associated symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue, based on the cause. This article will discuss the symptom of thick, sticky mucus, common causes, when to see a healthcare provider, diagnosis, and treatment. Brothers91 / Getty Images Symptoms of Thick, Sticky Mucus In the presence of an infection, allergen, or irritant, your body may make larger amounts of mucus to help trap foreign invaders. But high amounts of mucus can clog the airways in your nose, throat, lungs, and sinuses, making breathing difficult. It can also cause you to cough, a common symptom of thick, sticky mucus. If you have an...