Sequelae of Eating Disorders at Imaging | RadioGraphics
diagnosis of lung cancer :: Article Creator What Causes Lung Cancer? Scientists Are Working To Connect The Dots. For Sharon Fisher, the lung cancer diagnosis came as a gut punch. A simple cold had turned into a lingering feeling of congestion, with a dry cough. Eventually diagnosed with pneumonia, a closer look revealed a lesion in the left lobe of her lung. But, how? After all, she'd never been a smoker, was an avid hiker, was still the same weight she'd been since high school, had no history of illnesses, and was a foodie who ate no processed foods and cooked healthy meals for herself, in spite of her hectic work schedule. What most people do not realize is that in approximately 15% of lung cancer diagnoses, the patient has never smoked. And, they had no exposure to known carcinogens. While this fact has baffled the medical community, further exploration revealed that there were many more female never-smokers (as they are r...