
Showing posts from March, 2024

Top 10 most anticipated drug launches of 2023

porto pulmonary hypertension :: Article Creator Moderate Portopulmonary Hypertension Need Not Preclude Liver Transplantation Cite this article Moderate portopulmonary hypertension need not preclude liver transplantation. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 3, 655–656 (2006). Https://doi.Org/10.1038/ncpgasthep0647 Download citation Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative How To Reverse Pulmonary Hypertension Naturally Adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors may help lower blood pressure in your lungs and ease your symptoms. For example, you can try adjusting your diet, exercising more, and avoiding stimulants. Pulmonary hypertension happens when blood pressure in the arteries supplying blood to your lungs is abnormall...

Coronavirus: Signs, Symptoms, FAQs, and Treatments

pigeon fanciers lung :: Article Creator How This Man's Bedding Gave Him 'Feather Duvet Lung' How can a duvet affect your lungs when it is too big to go up your nostrils? (Photo: Getty Images) Getty The Corrs' song "Breathless" probably doesn't refer to a duvet. However, it was this type of fluffy bedding that left a man not only breathless but with a serious lung condition, according to a case report published in the journal BMJ Case Reports. Wondering how something so soft and so comfortable could make you sick and even eventually be life-threatening? Well, in the words of the Corrs, go on, go on. This case report may leave you breathless. For the case report, Patrick Liu-Shiu-Cheong of Victoria Hospital and Chris RuiWen Kuo, Struan WA Wilkie, and Owen Dempsey of the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the UK told the tale of a 43-year-old man who saw his doctor in November 2016 after three months of feeling v...

High Blood Pressure & Kidney Disease - NIDDK

fibroblastic foci :: Article Creator

Symbicort (budesonide/formoterol): Dosage, side effects, and more

flolan for pulmonary hypertension :: Article Creator Epoprostenol Suitable For Treatment Of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension In Children Cite this article Epoprostenol suitable for treatment of severe pulmonary hypertension in children. Nat Rev Cardiol 4, 522 (2007). Https://doi.Org/10.1038/ncpcardio0955 Download citation Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Sotatercept's FDA Approval A New Chapter For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension The FDA approved sotatercept (Winrevair) for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adults, Merck announced on Tuesday. A novel activin signaling inhibitor, sotatercept is indicated to increase exercise capacity, improve World Health Organization (WHO) functional cl...

Blood pressure up? COVID-19 pandemic could be to blame

curbsiders pulmonary hypertension :: Article Creator How To Reverse Pulmonary Hypertension Naturally Adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors may help lower blood pressure in your lungs and ease your symptoms. For example, you can try adjusting your diet, exercising more, and avoiding stimulants. Pulmonary hypertension happens when blood pressure in the arteries supplying blood to your lungs is abnormally high. Over time, this can weaken your heart and lungs, leading to complications like trouble breathing and tiredness. While there isn't a cure for the condition, medications, treatments, and lifestyle changes can help. Read on to learn more about healthy lifestyle behaviors that can assist in managing your pulmonary hypertension. Regular aerobic exercise can help you keep your heart healthy. This is especially important because keeping your heart and lungs functioning at their best can be difficult with pulmonary hypertensio...

Symbicort (budesonide/formoterol): Dosage, side effects, and more

dilated portal vein :: Article Creator Combination Of Therapies Can Be Used To Treat Common Vein Problem CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Local doctors are now using a combination of therapies to treat a common vein problem. For those with legs that have been achy or swollen throughout the day, or veins that don't look good, having them treated may help with more than just appearance. "The bottom of my ankles, my feet were swelling so bad that if I wanted to walk or run, it was hurting so badly," Connie Leyendecker said. That swelling and pain is exactly what led her to the office of Dr. Andy Hearn. He's a vascular surgeon at The Vein Center of Cincinnati and treats venous insufficiency. "We divide patients into two groups. One that are symptomatic, they have some heaviness, swelling, aching, worse in the feet after standing for long periods of time. Then we'll do a doppler ultrasound and analyze the blood flow in the veins, be...

High Blood Pressure & Kidney Disease - NIDDK

cted pulmonary hypertension :: Article Creator Sotatercept's FDA Approval A New Chapter For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension The FDA approved sotatercept (Winrevair) for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adults, Merck announced on Tuesday. A novel activin signaling inhibitor, sotatercept is indicated to increase exercise capacity, improve World Health Organization (WHO) functional class, and reduce the risk of clinical worsening events for people with WHO group 1 pulmonary hypertension. "Sotatercept added to background therapy has the potential to become a new standard of care option for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension," said Aaron Waxman, MD, PhD, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, in the company's press release. The activin signaling inhibitor works by targeting the pro-proliferative and anti-proliferative signaling associated with pulmonary arterial wall and right ventricular ...

Coronavirus: Signs, Symptoms, FAQs, and Treatments

tapvc congenital heart disease :: Article Creator How Can Adults With Congenital Heart Disease Reduce Risks? Study Finds Lifetime Cardiology Monitoring Is Key ROCHESTER, Minn. — Heart failure is a potentially urgent health concern for young adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) that is often overlooked and undertreated, even as hospitalizations for this condition continue to rise. New research from Mayo Clinic shows that young adults in the U.S. Living with congenital heart disease are at an increased risk of death or cardiovascular complications after being hospitalized for heart failure. However, study data published in the Journal of the American Heart Association also found that patients who had been receiving recent cardiology care before a heart failure hospitalization were less likely to die. "More than 85% of children born with congenital heart disease reach adulthood. They are likely to experience complications later, yet 61%...

Top 10 most anticipated drug launches of 2023

bronchial carcinoid tumor :: Article Creator Navigating Lung Cancer: 5 Essential Facts Families Should Know About Lung Nodules And Staging Navigating Lung Cancer: 5 Essential Facts Families Should Know About Lung Nodules and StagingAmerican Lung Association About every two and a half minutes, someone in the U.S. Is diagnosed with lung cancer. The diagnosis process usually starts with a suspected "nodule." The process of "suspected nodule" to treatment (or other next steps) can be confusing to a person impacted and their family. To help empower people who are newly diagnosed with lung cancer with critical knowledge about lung nodules, staging and treatment, the American Lung Association and Olympus partnered to launch a new educational campaign. Close to 238,000 people in the U.S. Will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year. Fortunately, more Americans are surviving lung cancer thanks in part to early detection, ...