Richard Mullvain, RPh, BCCP, BCPS, CCCC: Let's move on now. This is circling back to the guidelines we've been talking about. I want to make sure pharmacists understand the goals of guideline-directed medical therapy, or GDMT. We've already commented briefly on the 2021 update to the ACC [American College of Cardiology] Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Optimization of Heart Failure Treatment. The previous update was 4 years prior, in 2017. I'm curious to get your takes on what has been or will be the impact on clinical practice. I'm going to start with you, Ryan. If you can, comment on the recent update in the guidelines and how you see this impacting practice, including the shout-out of pharmacy involvement. Ryan Jacobsen, PharmD, BCPS: First of all, the goals of guideline-directed medical therapy are 3-fold. One is to improve patient symptomatology. The second is to prevent hospital admissions. The third is to reduce mortality. As we've outlined througho...