What is shortness of breath? Causes and when to contact a doctor - Medical News Today
Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, occurs when a person feels that they are unable, or less able than usual, to take enough air into the lungs. The sensation of shortness of breath is subjective. For instance, some people may describe the feeling as a sensation of suffocating. For others, they may feel unable to take a deep breath. Regardless of the exact description, experiencing shortness of breath is uncomfortable and may lead to additional symptoms or complications. Shortness of breath may occur occasionally or frequently, and it has many different potential causes. Keep reading to learn more about the causes, treatment, and prevention methods associated with shortness of breath. Many people experience shortness of breath during and after exercise. It can also occur due to changes in altitude or temperature. Usually, however, there is more than one cause of shortness of breath. Shortness of breath has a large variety of possible causes. The most common include: Learn more about the c...