Severe Asthma Attack Recovery Time - Verywell Health
Asthma is a chronic lung condition that can range from mild to severe. Predicting the recovery time for a severe asthma attack can be challenging, because everyone's case is different. Typically, recovery time will take days to weeks, some of which may be spent in the hospital. This article discusses how to identify a severe asthma attack, treatment options, and recovery times. PeopleImages / Getty Images What Is a Severe Asthma Attack? Severe asthma is asthma that does not respond well to typical asthma treatments. The body's response to severe asthma involves inflammation and constriction of the bronchioles (the smallest branches of the lungs' bronchial airways that move air). This narrowing of the airways makes it difficult to breathe and can cause a distinct sound called wheezing. Severe asthma is classified based on several factors, including what symptoms are present, whether the attack responds to medi...