Eating These Types of Grains Can Lower Your Heart Disease Risk - Healthline
Share on Pinterest A new study found that eating refined grains is associated with a greater risk for coronary artery disease while eating whole grains was linked with a lower risk. Javier Díez/Stocksy A new study has found that eating refined grains was linked with a greater risk for coronary artery disease. It also found that eating more whole grains seemed to have the opposite effect. Refined grains have a great deal of their nutritional content removed during the refining process. Nutritionists say that the nutrients removed — especially fiber — help protect the heart. They recommend starting slowly and making healthy swaps as you increase your intake of whole grains. A new study that is being presented this week at the American College of Cardiology Middle East 2022 Together With the 13th Emirates Cardiac Society Congress, reports that eating more refined grains was linked with a greater risk for premature coronary artery disease (PCAD). Additionally, consuming whole grains was ...