Patent Foramen Ovale-Induced Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome ...
heart failure symptoms treatment :: Article Creator Heart Failure Treatment If you have heart failure, you have a lot of choices for treatment. Your doctor may suggest you start with medication and lifestyle changes. If your condition gets worse, you can turn to centers that specialize in treating heart failure for more options, like surgery. It's important to keep up with your medications and take them the way your doctor tells you to. Common types of drugs that treat heart failure are: Aldosterone antagonist ACE inhibitors ARBs (angiotensin II receptor blockers) ARNIs (angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitors) Beta-blockers Blood vessel dilators Calcium channel blockers (unless you have systolic heart failure) Digoxin Diuretics Heart pump medication Potassium or magnesium Selective sinus node inhibitors SGLT2 Inhibitors The goal of surgery is to make your heart work better. Bypass surgery. Routes blood aro...