
Grade 1 Diastolic Dysfunction: Symptoms, Treatments

pulmonary hypertension bp :: Article Creator Scientists Discover Potential New Treatment For Pulmonary Hypertension Researchers at Indiana University and Notre Dame have discovered a potential new treatment for pulmonary hypertension, focusing on reversing vascular remodeling through an epigenetic pathway involving the protein SPHK2, as reported in Circulation Research. This innovative approach could transform the treatment of this serious lung condition. Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine,  at the school's South Bend regional campus, and their colleagues at the University of Notre Dame, have discovered a novel therapeutic target for treating pulmonary hypertension. This form of high blood pressure specifically impacts the blood vessels in the lungs. The team's research and findings have been recently published in the journal Circulation Research. Pulmonary hypertension is a complex and often fatal condition tha...

What Is Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)?

lung nodules on ct :: Article Creator Use Of CT Scans To Detect Lung Cancer Questioned A new study by the researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore cautioned that Computed Tomography(CT) scans may not be valuable for mass screening for lung cancer. They claimed that the harm of unnecessary testing for lung nodules detected by the CT scan that turn out to be benign, and the costs of the scan far outweigh the number of lives saved by annual full-body CT screening. Following this, the National Cancer Institute has begun an eight-year trial comparing CT scans with chest x-rays in the diagnosis of lung cancer. The study's senior author Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, director of Johns Hopkins' Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research concluded that consumers may want to hold off the screenings until solid data is available. He also added that smoking cessation is the only proven, cost-effective me...

Giving Voice to Cardiovocal Syndrome: A 26-Year-Old Woman With Hypophonia and Dysphagia

systemic arterial hypertension :: Article Creator Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Alopecia Asthma Atopic Dermatitis Autoimmune Biosimilars Breast Cancer COPD COVID-19 Cardiovascular Cholangiocarcinoma Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Colorectal Cancer DLBCL Dermatology Diabetes Digital Health Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Employers Epilepsy Gastroenterology Gene Therapy HIV Heart Failure Hemophilia Immuno-Oncology Infectious Disease Inflammation Leukemia and Lymphoma Liver Lung Cancer Lupus Major Depressive Disorder Medicare Mental Health Multiple Myeloma Multiple Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Myelodysplastic Syndromes Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Obesity Oncology Ophthalmology Ovarian Cancer Parkinson Disease Population Health Prostate Cancer Ps...

Congestive heart failure life expectancy: Prognosis and stages

nsip lung treatment :: Article Creator Today's Treatment Options For Lung Cancer Lung cancer develops when normal cell function becomes interrupted, causing cells to divide and multiply uncontrollably. These cancer cells clump together to form a mass called a tumor. The two main types of lung cancer, small cell and non-small cell, are named after what they look like under a microscope. Lung cancer is treated in several ways depending on the type of lung cancer and how far it has spread. Surgery is a treatment option where doctors cut out the tumor and surrounding cancer tissue. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, they may remove a small part of the lung, a lobe, lymph nodes, or even an entire lung. Radiation therapy uses high energy rays similar to an X-ray to kill the cancer. These beams focus on a specific area of the body to maximize the effect on cancer cells while minimizing injury to normal cells. While surgery and radiation ...

Heart disease: Types, causes, and treatments

high blood remedy :: Article Creator Unlocking Personalized Treatment For Millions With High Blood Pressure HMRI and University of Newcastle researcher, Professor Murray Cairns, along with his Precision Medicine team have discovered a way of predicting who will respond to blood pressure treatments to lower sodium in the body. Their findings were published this week in Circulation, a prestigious international cardiology journal. Professor Cairns says, "High blood pressure – or hypertension related disease – kills up to 20 per cent of people. At least 30 per cent of the adult population has it – that's one in three Australian adults – and only 30 per cent of those people get it under control. "A 25% reduction in the prevalence of hypertension could save the Australian Government $34 billion per year," says Professor Cairns. Professor Cairns and his team have figured out how to use each person's individual genetics to i...

2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology ...

natural ways to bring down blood pressure :: Article Creator How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally? Try These 11 Herbs And Spices To Bring Down Hypertension High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions worldwide, posing serious health risks. While medications are commonly used to manage this condition, incorporating certain herbs and spices into your diet may offer natural support in lowering blood pressure levels. Experimenting with these additions to your meals not only enhances flavour but may also promote better heart health. These 11 herbs and spices, known for their potent properties, can complement a healthy lifestyle and aid in the battle against hypertension. Story continues below Advertisement 1. Garlic This pungent bulbous herb is revered for its ability to lower blood pressure. Garlic contains allicin, a compound known for its vasodilatory effects, which helps relax blood vessels, promoting ...

Cardiac Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

acute decompensated heart failure :: Article Creator SLU Heart Failure Expert Pens Editorial For New England Journal Of Medicine ST. LOUIS – In patients experiencing a worsening of heart failure, the primary objective of treatment should be the patient-centric goal of symptom relief, says the author of an editorial in the current issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Paul J. Hauptman, M.D., a SLUCare cardiologist specializing in heart failure and professor of internal medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, looked at the results of the Trial of Ularitide Efficacy and Safety in Acute Heart Failure (TRUE-AHF), which was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel synthetic compound "ularitide" administered very soon after a patient presents with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). ADHF is a sudden worsening of the signs and symptoms of heart failure, which typically includes difficulty breathing...