
Heart Failure: From Typical Clinical Manifestations to the Surprising Final Diagnosis

mayo clinic high blood pressure :: Article Creator Forget 10,000 Steps A Day — This Is The Number You Should Focus On Instead hxyume via Getty Images How many steps have you taken today? Most of us have been confronted by that question at some point in our lives, and many of us use our step count as a metric to gauge how active we are. For years we've been told that getting at least 10,000 steps is crucial to maintaining our health, but how did that number get chosen and is it really accurate? That's what we — Raj Punjabi and Noah Michelson, hosts of HuffPost's "Am I Doing It Wrong?" podcast — discussed with Heather Milton, an exercise physiologist at NYU Langone Health in New York, when she stopped by our studio to give us tips and tricks for exercising better. Listen to the full episode by pressing play: "We always hear about 10,000 steps, and I actually read that that number is based on this pedometer th...

Diaphragmatic Function in Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Review Topic of the Week

paop :: Article Creator

How to Live Longer With Congestive Heart Failure

acute lung disease :: Article Creator More Than A Fifth Of Older Adults With RSV Have Acute Cardiac Events, Data Reveal A study yesterday in JAMA Internal Medicine demonstrates that 22% of hospitalized adults aged 50 years or older with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection experienced an acute cardiac event—most frequently acute heart failure (16%). Moreover, 1 in 12 of infected patients (8.5%) had no documented underlying cardiovascular disease. RSV is associated with annual totals of up to 160,000 US hospitalizations, 10,000 deaths, and $4 billion in direct healthcare costs among adults age 65 years or older. "Despite evidence of considerable RSV-associated morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditure, the potential severity of RSV infection in adults has historically been underappreciated by public health professionals and clinicians," the authors write. RSV is rarely tested for in the clinical settings, and symptoms usu...

Diaphragmatic Function in Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Review Topic of the Week

heart failure and fatigue :: Article Creator Fatigue To Breathlessness: 5 Signs To Recognise The Early Signs Of Heart Failure Heart failure is a condition where the heart muscles do not pump enough blood to meet the body's requirements. It happens when the heart muscle weakens, stiffens, or sustains damage that impairs its capacity to efficiently pump blood throughout the body. In India, heart-related issues or cardiovascular diseases are a major concern, with heart failure affecting a significant number of people in the country. The fact that heart failure has a poor prognosis highlights its seriousness and the need to create more awareness regarding the condition.  Understanding the causes of heart failure According to Dr Rajneesh Malhotra, Vice Chairman & Head - CTVS, Cardiac Sciences, Cardiac Surgery (CTVS), Robotic Surgery, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, heart failure can be caused by various factors, including coronary ar...

5 Signs Your Heart Is Changing During Menopause

chf symptoms :: Article Creator 'Mind Your Heart' Study To Enroll Patients Diagnosed With Heart Failure Swollen legs, ankles and shortness of breath are just a few of the symptoms of congestive heart failure. "My dad had heart failure. I learned a lot just to see him struggle with some of the challenges. For example, heart failure has a very complex treatment, so it's hard to remember to take all your meds," said Dr. Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher, a senior research scientist in the cardiology department at Rhode Island Hospital, and an associate professor at Brown University. She talked about her late father, Dario. He's a major reason why she now focuses her research on how to get patients with heart failure better care for themselves. Cognitive impairment, or forgetfulness, is a problem. So is something called interoception, the ability to sense changes in the body, which leads to patients downplaying their symptoms u...

How to Live Longer With Congestive Heart Failure

pulmonary hypertension for dummies :: Article Creator Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Her Symptoms Were Getting Worse. Then She Joined A Clinical Trial Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a condition that causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in your lungs, resulting in impaired blood flow throughout the lungs. Heather Kauffman was diagnosed with PAH in 2017 and was experiencing worsening symptoms. In 2021 she entered a clinical trial for Winrevair, a new drug that can help manage symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Kauffman says the new medication has been life changing, helping her better manage symptoms, and it has improved her quality of life. Heather Kauffman, 49, says she entered a clinical trial for a new drug to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in 2021 with a dose of cautious optimism. Her physician, Dr. Vallerie McLaughlin, a leading expert in pulmonary hypertension at the University of Michig...

Heart Failure: From Typical Clinical Manifestations to the Surprising Final Diagnosis

most common cause of left sided heart failure :: Article Creator Heart Failure Mortality Higher Now Than In 1999 Any gains made in reducing heart failure mortality more than a decade ago seem to have been erased in the current era, with that reversal exacerbated but not exclusively caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, new data show. "It is actually not that new of an observation that the mortality related to heart failure has been increasing over the last few years," senior author Marat Fudim, MD (Duke University, Durham, NC), told TCTMD. "The important statement is that this is not purely COVID-related because the trend has been present for 10 years but [then] just accelerated. It's been like putting fuel on a smoldering fire." The study, published as a research letter online ahead of print this week in JAMA Cardiology with lead author Ahmed Sayed, MBBS (Ain Shams Univ...