Home Remedies for Asthma - Health Central
With so many DIY asthma remedies online, it's natural to wonder if they work. So, do they?

If you have asthma, an inhaler is probably something you keep handy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 12 Americans has asthma, a condition that causes the airways in your lungs to swell and produce mucus, making it hard for you to breathe. In many cases, an inhaler is used to help treat and manage the condition, but some research studies suggest that natural approaches, like drinking coffee, eating ginger, and practicing breathing techniques, can help alleviate your symptoms as well.
While we love a good home remedy, asthma is a serious condition and experimenting with alternative approaches to handling an asthma attack isn't something to take lightly (or maybe, take at all). We went to the experts to find out why folks living with this condition should proceed with caution when it comes to deviating from their medical treatment plan.
Types of Asthma
There are several types of asthma, including exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), which typically occurs when a person is physically active; allergic asthma, which can be triggered by an allergen; and pediatric asthma, which affects children. General symptoms of asthma can look like chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.
Beyond those types, there are four grades of asthma according to UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh: mild intermittent, when symptoms can occur less than twice a week; mild persistent asthma, which occurs more than twice a week; moderate persistent, which can affect a person daily; and severe persistent asthma, which is the most extreme case and involves symptoms that will arise throughout the day and can even wake you up at night.
"Severe asthma can be defined as having daily symptoms despite medical treatment, or as a severe obstruction of the airways," says Rachel L. Miller, M.D., a pulmonary specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and a fellow at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. "Severe asthma is much more uncommon than mild or moderate asthma."
Natural Remedies for Asthma
Every so many years, a new study pops up suggesting a new natural remedy for asthma treatment. For instance, one study published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society suggests that some asthma patients might use ginger as an herbal remedy to alleviate asthma symptoms because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Another study in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews proposes that because caffeine is chemically related to theophylline, an ingredient used to prevent wheezing in asthma patients, coffee might also help treat the condition.
But Dr. Miller says it probably isn't the best idea to chuck your asthma meds for one of these natural remedies. "The best medical evidence is focused on medications," she says. As far as natural remedies go, "I would have to think about how that person is doing on their medications and with minimizing their trigger exposure, so it would be very case-by-case."
She adds that when it comes to asthma, symptoms and severity vary person-to-person, and a customized treatment plan recommended by your physician is best.
Breathe to Treat Asthma?
Asthma is not curable, but it can be controlled. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, some asthma meds are designed to control sudden symptoms while others, like biologics, work to correct underlying causes by targeting the protein that triggers mucus accumulation and inflammation in the airways in the first place. Biologics are typically administered through injections, while other meds are given via puffers, a.k.a. inhalers.
In addition to these Rx fixes, if you find your asthma triggered, there are a couple of complementary techniques you might also consider:
A recent study in Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that in conjunction with medication, the Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT) enhanced spirometry results in children with asthma (a test that determines how well your lungs work). BBT is a method that teaches people to control the speed and volume of their breath. Study participants who utilized this method along with medication saw a significant improvement in breath control versus the group who just went about their usual treatment. (Medication reduction was not recommended for either group.) If you want to try BBT, chat with your doctor to figure out when and how often you should practice the technique.
Here's how it works: First, sit in a relaxed position and breathe normally. Next, inhale then exhale, and after that exhale, hold your nose closed with your index finger and thumb for at least 10 seconds until you feel the urge to breathe again. Repeat. While BBT won't prevent an asthma attack from occurring, it may help you slow and regulate your breathing if you are exposed to an asthma trigger.
Experts agree that BBT and other breathing techniques such as the Papworth method (also used to relax your breathing), in conjunction with medication, may help those who have certain types of asthma—but meds still come first. "Those methods may work in the very mildest forms of asthma where anxiety or stress can be triggers," says Reynold A. Panettieri, Jr., M.D., vice-chancellor at Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science located in New Brunswick, NJ. "These other therapies may help patients have a better sense that they can control things, but in order to truly treat asthma, you are going to need medications."
Know Your Plan
Ginger, coffee, and deep breathing aside, you should always have an Asthma Action Plan written down. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the document—which includes info on what meds you take and how to tell if your symptoms are getting worse—should be filled out with your physician and kept with you in the case of an asthma emergency.
In addition, "it's important for every patient with asthma to have a rescue inhaler," says Michael E. Wechsler, M.D., director of the National Jewish Health (NJH)/Cohen Family Asthma Institute and professor of medicine in the division of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine at NJH located in Denver, CO. He also adds that it is important to regularly measure your peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) with a special hand-held device that can be used anywhere and tests for early uncontrolled asthma. Different brands of these plastic PEFR meters use different measuring methods, so it is best to check in with your doctor to determine how to read your specific device.
"You want to be ready and have a plan in case your asthma is poorly controlled in any way," adds Dr. Wechsler. And remember, if you're having an attack and don't have your inhaler on you, or you're not getting the relief you need, head to the emergency room, stat, for medical help.
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