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5 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Symptoms of high blood pressure can appear differently in each affected individual, as some show symptoms while others don't. How (and when) a person experiences symptoms varies based on individual circumstances, says Patrick M. Azcarate, M.D., a cardiologist at Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute in Florida. "People can experience symptoms at any pressure that's elevated for their own respective bodies," he adds.
Worrisome symptoms of high blood pressure, according to Dr. Azcarate, include:
These symptoms are more likely to escalate during an emergent (or urgent) blood pressure issue, such as a hypertensive crisis, which occurs when systolic blood pressure typically rises above 180 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure rises above 120 mmHg. "In most cases, people don't feel [these] symptoms until blood pressure gets that high," says Dr. Azcarate. "[For] others, if their [systolic] blood pressure normally runs around 90 or 100 mmHg, they could start feeling symptoms if their [systolic] blood pressure goes up [to the] 140s [or] 150s."
However, there's not a specific set of blood pressure readings that guarantee the experience of related systems, says Dr. Azcarate. Furthermore, since symptoms alone aren't reliable for producing an accurate diagnosis, individuals should get their blood pressure checked regularly by a health care provider as a preventative measure.
The following symptoms merit a visit to a health care provider.
What Is High Blood Pressure And Why Is It Called The 'silent Killer?' Here Are 4 Things To Know
People with both high cholesterol and high blood pressure have a compounded risk for cardiovascular events.
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a vicious and smart adversary. It's vicious because it greatly increases the odds of heart disease and stroke, some of the leading causes of death in the U.S. And it's smart because it never reveals itself with symptoms.
In fact, most people are completely unaware of the dangers associated with high blood pressure, the so-called "silent killer." Your blood pressure may, at times, go up for a variety of reasons. The problem is when it stays high, it damages the blood vessels.
What is considered high blood pressure?When is the pressure too high? The answer depends on your point of view. If preventive medicine is important to you, and it should be, the goal would be a blood pressure no greater than 120/80. Unfortunately, this level is often seen as too strict, and unreasonable, and we allow blood pressures that are much higher to prevail.
The latest statistics suggest that nearly half of Americans have hypertension with a systolic pressure greater than 130 or a diastolic pressure greater than 80. This is referred to as Stage 1 Hypertension. Stage 2 is 140 or greater over 90 or greater.
Unfortunately, oftentimes the problem is not considered to be serious until blood pressure reaches Stage 2. Stop and think about this for a moment. If healthy blood pressure is no higher than 120/80, but blood pressure is not viewed as a problem until it hits at least 140/90, consider all the damage that is being done before any intervention.
What causes high blood pressure?Many factors are responsible for our high incidence of uncontrolled hypertension. Here are three examples. First, is poor patient compliance. According to the World Health Organization, the majority (50%-70%) of patients do not take their medication as prescribed.
Second, controlling blood pressure is complicated. It's like a three-headed monster, any of which may be causing the problem. There is a pump (the heart), tubing (the vessels), and fluid (the blood), and each can be the culprit causing hypertension.
If the heart is pumping too strongly or too rapidly, pressure increases. If the pump is not the problem, perhaps the vessels do not dilate or constrict appropriately (getting larger or smaller) when necessary. Pressure can also increase because there is too much fluid in the system.
Your doctor probably cannot determine initially which factor is the problem, so perhaps a diuretic is prescribed to reduce fluid volume. If that doesn't work, then maybe a beta blocker is used to reduce heart activity, or a vasodilator to control the diameter of vessels. The point is, your doctor needs accurate feedback from you, the patient, to get it right.
This brings us to the third factor. Poor communication between doctor and patient is typical as patients often tell doctors what they think they want to hear, and not what is going on. This is silly and harmful because good communication is critical to success in the fight against hypertension. That's why I strongly advise forming a partnership with your doctor and viewing the situation as an ongoing challenge. It's important to understand that the situation may take time, plus some trial and error to get it right.
How can you prevent high blood pressure?Our medical model is based on symptoms, and certainly, that seems reasonable. Go see your doctor when you have symptoms that something is wrong and requires treatment. The problem is the misinterpretation on the flip side. If, as is the case with hypertension, there are no symptoms, there is no problem. When this misinterpretation is combined with a limited understanding of the situation, it's easy to see how things can go wrong.
I recall observing a situation that underscores the problem. A doctor was taking the blood pressure of a man I'll call Fred who came to our lab at the University of Louisville. It was part of a screening process to ensure that he could participate safely in our community exercise program. Fred was middle-aged with some excess belly fat, but other than that he appeared to be healthy.
I could tell by the look on the doctor's face that he was surprised, then alarmed. And for good reason. I later learned that Fred's blood pressure was sky-high! The blood pressure cuff was removed, and the doctor put on his "most concerned look" as he addressed Fred.
Doctor: "Are you aware that your blood pressure is quite high?"
Fred: "Really? I'm surprised because I took some meds to bring it down."
Doctor: "I'm sorry, does that mean you quit taking the medication."
Fred: "Yeah, I figured if it worked, why keep taking it?"
Doctor: "How long ago was that?"
Fred: "Hmm, maybe three, four years. Guess it came back, huh?"
How a healthy diet, exercise can help lower high blood pressureHealth Food for Fitness
Despite the many challenges and the fact that far too many Americans will suffer the consequences of high blood pressure, things are much better than they used to be. In the old days, before the initiation of the Framingham Heart Study in 1948, a type of epidemiological study that follows a group of individuals over time to determine the natural history of certain diseases, doctors viewed a progressively increasing blood pressure with age as normal and natural, and they called it Benign Essential Hypertension. They assumed blood pressure had to go up to generate more pressure to force blood through narrowing arteries clogged from atherosclerosis, which also was assumed to be natural.
At the time, a normal systolic blood pressure was determined by adding your age to 100. Thus, a 60-year-old would be assumed to be perfectly normal with a very high, health-destroying systolic blood pressure of 160. Compare this with what we now know is a healthy systolic blood pressure of 120 or lower.
I'll end with a plug for healthy diets, lots of exercise, and managing your weight as the best things you can do for your blood pressure. But short of that, make sure that at the least you are working closely with your doctor, and if necessary, taking your meds regularly and as prescribed.
Reach Bryant Stamford, a professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College, at stamford@hanover.Edu.
This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: What causes high blood pressure, how can you treat hypertension
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High Blood Pressure Symptoms: 6 Tell-Tale Signs You BP Is Spiking In Winter Months
High Blood Pressure in Winter: A drop in temperature leads to a rise in health concerns. Diabetes, hypertension, heart health, joint pain and more, several health issues tend to exacerbate during the colder months. During this season, people indulge in more savoury delicacies and become more sluggish. As physical activity decreases, the metabolism slows down leading to weight gain may eventually cause a spike in blood pressure.
Why Blood Pressure Increases During Winter Season?During the winter months, the body experiences more stress than usual. With decreased oxygen supply, the arteries and blood vessels often constrict putting more pressure on pumping the blood properly. Hence, it raises the blood pressure.
Here are few indicators when there is rise in blood pressure.
Symptoms of Blood Pressure Spike In WintersIt's worth noting that these symptoms can be caused by various other factors and may not necessarily indicate an increase in blood pressure. However, if you experience any of these symptoms or are concerned about your blood pressure, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. Regular monitoring of blood pressure is essential, particularly for individuals with a history of hypertension or other cardiovascular conditions.
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